02:18I am a single female age 65 seeking a on jabbed male partner sandra cassidy Buffalo ny
Talented Turtle
I am a single female age 65 seeking a on jabbed...09:36HeHe Did you mean Unjabbed? Don't forget you can private message each other by clicking the 3 dots in the top right corner of the chatbox
December 20, 2023
Blushing Buzzard
04:41Well done Dissident7
December 28, 2023
Wandering Wasp
Talented Turtle
I am a single female age 65 seeking a on jabbed...00:03Totally unjabbed. No flu vax, no boosters, nothing.....EVER. I'm 55 and live in Kansas City. I do have a female room mate and she's my best friend. BUT she was coerced as a dental assistant to get the first 2 jabs. Within 6 months arthritis exploded in both hips and her left knee. She's recovering from the hip replacement and planning for the 2nd one. Then the knee. She's basically bedridden and I fear it will only get worse. I tried to warn her but she's Irish (translation: hard head). I have property, free and clear, in the Missouri Ozarks which I will either sell for a pretty penny or relocate to. My name is Dailey. What's yours?
Wandering Wasp
Totally unjabbed. No flu vax, no boosters, noth...20:27Hi Dailey it's the site owner, I don't know if that other person will come back but you can visit: https://novaxdating.site/ and https://unjabbed.net for dating
February 15, 2024
Amused Alpaca
February 17, 2024
Graceful Giraffe
21:51just wondering what country your in?
February 18, 2024
Graceful Giraffe
just wondering what country your in?14:18That's Private
February 21, 2024
Thoughtful Tapir
00:53no worries, just thought I might b able to help. im Private too
Cute Caiman
11:14please post a list of your banned words, I cant post
Thoughtful Tapir
no worries, just thought I might b able to help...13:48If you've got ideas to help you can email me, address at the foot of the site
Cute Caiman
please post a list of your banned words, I cant...13:49links are disabled to discourage spammers, what were you going to post? if its a relevant link let me know what it is and I'll make an exception
February 22, 2024
Curious Cassowary
01:06Mysterious 5G And Covid Connection Can Actually Be Statistically Proven... Are They Trying To Kill Us With Radiation?!! | Alternative | Before It's News thanksfromanaussie
01:07ookla5gmap - check out India!!! WTF!!!
Curious Cassowary
ookla5gmap - check out India!!! WTF!!!01:09Great comment I will check it out
05:43CT scan of mouse made me cry. What have they done!?
Info Crypt
07:11Thanks for all the great work!
07:20Do you think we all already have the nano tech networks in us, even without being jabbed?
Quaint Quoll
Info Crypt
Do you think we all already have the nano tech ...09:14Have you tried turning on Developer Mode on your (android) phone? Then turn on show unnamed bluetooth. Scan.
Info Crypt
20:36Yes I have but I haven't thought about scanning myself, I guess I'll give that a shot. If I have a MAC address, imma be pissed.
February 29, 2024
13:26You can share email addresses here now guys, I removed the restriction so people can make friends, I got a lot of lonely people/dating emails, I'd love to chat long but I can only message a bit due to time limitations...I'm sure you can make friends amongst yourselves! Have fun
March 2, 2024
07:08no mac address on me when scan. never test, mask and of course jab.
07:10Great videos!
Great videos!07:13Thanks Onpoint, I'm trying to find more Bluetooth videos but like to post unique stuff
07:14A lot of people are just doing scan videos now without much explanation, I'll try and find some interesting stuff
hello folks22:29Hey bro, I recognize you from Bitchute comments, welcome aboard. This chat is a work in progress, you can post Gifs and emoji's using the buttons on the right>> If the chat gets popular I may be able to give some of you Avatars
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